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Trust in you, oh Lord (Day 3)

On Monday, as I was driving to the gym I realized how God’s love teaches us to trust Him.  As I was driving  I thought about those whom I love, my mom, my sisters, my brothers, nephews, my boyfriend, my friends and something became clear to me. When any of the people that I love needs my help, not only do they trust that I will be there for them, but I also trust the love I feel for them will guide me in how to help them. God loves us unconditionally and since He has such love for us we can trust that He will always be there for us, that He will come trough in our time of need, the same way that are loves one trust us in their time on needs and we come through for them.

Personally, I cannot bear to see someone I love suffer, I cannot bear seeing a complete stranger in pain, I share their pain. I put myself in their shoes and want to do whatever is in my power to help them. Why? Because I’ve been there, I’ve been in pain, distress, sorrow, happy, joyous, content, etc. And through all of these experiences God has been there for me, whether I realized it then or not I know in my heart God has never leave my side and will never do so. God is willing to help me, if I let Him, God is willing to take me in His arms and carry me through anything and everything.

Angel Vazquez

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Trust in you, Oh Lord. (Day 2)

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God and my Savior,

I thank you for the opportunity to write this prayer, I thank you for the inspiration that your unfailing love blessed me with each and every day to write this blog. Lord as I write about how to trust in you through out the week, help my own heart to trust you more and more each day, inspire those who read this simple words to day by day trust you, your wisdom and you unfailing love. Lord, forgive me when in the turmoil that the fear within me creates I forget that you are the one in control that you are my rock and my salvation.

Hold our hand, we are your children, lead us into your love the same way you lead the birds into the sunset. May your love pour down on us, may your healing power touch every part of us and help us in releasing all that we are to you each day.

In Jesus name,


11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. 1 Peter 11

Trust in you, Oh Lord.

So, this morning God whisper in my heart that He wants me to write this week about how to trust Him in all circumstances. About how to trust him when we are happy and in joy and how to trust Him when things don’t work out the way we want them to. I can honestly say, that trusting God in all areas of my life has been and sometimes still is something I struggle with. In my case, each day, God ask me to release an area of my life to Him and to fully trust that He will take care of it. Sometimes that’s not easy to hear to the part of me, who always wants to be in control, the part of me that think it can do better. Somedays, releasing to God something as simple as what should I eat for breakfast can be a struggle. Other days, somehow I find the courage to release my heart fully to Him and I get to experience God’s love, embrace and the power of His grace and favor in my life. Those days, that somehow, miraculously I am able to do this I re-learn how to be compassionate with myself and others, I learn how to see the world through a different set of eyes, I remember that I am loved beyond measure. I realized that I can relax and let God lead the way.

And on days, that I find hard to release the smallest part of me to Him, I find a loving  father, patiently waiting for me to be ready to do so, loving every part of who I am. I find a pair of eyes that look at me and say “I am here, I am not going anywhere, I faithfully love you and I understand you and what you are going through.”

In my life, I have trusted people and like many others been hurt, got my heart broken, held on to the pain and regret instead of forgiving and letting go. I have thought that I was trusting God but in reality I was trusting my idea of God, and idea that honestly couldn’t have been further away from the truth of who God is and what it means to fully trust Him. What I have come to understand, to know is that whether today I am ready to say God, here is my life take it and do with it as you please, or I can only say God, here is this tiny, tiny part of me that I am willing to give you today, use it for your glory. His love is never failing, He is faithful and day by day, minute by minute, moment to moment I find my heart opening more and more to a love, peace that I had completely forgotten about. To a love that I didn’t think I deserve, but somehow because God love me I do.

Angel Vazquez

4 For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. 5 The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love. 6 By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth. Psalm 33 4-6

My resolutions.

This year instead of having resolutions I am setting goals and also making time to sit down and hold myself accountable for those goals and to check on my progress periodically. This year different than other years,  I don’t want to only accomplished a set of goals, I want to grow spiritually, mentally and physically with my accomplishments. I want to take the time to make sure that whatever I am doing is in alignment with my life purposes and that whatever is it that I am doing is something that I truly love and a true expression of who I am at my core.

I want to invest in myself and my dreams and follow  my heart wherever it leads me. I want to build a life that is more than I ever dreamed of or ever thought I could have. I want Jesus to be my North Star and my guide in every step I give forward. This year I have no time to hold grudges against anyone or to carry old resentments. I only have time to live fearlessly loving, shinning my light and allowing others to do the same at their own pace.

Angel Vazquez

Spiritual Teacher & Musician