Tag Archive | spirituality

Trust in you, Oh Lord. (Day 2)

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God and my Savior,

I thank you for the opportunity to write this prayer, I thank you for the inspiration that your unfailing love blessed me with each and every day to write this blog. Lord as I write about how to trust in you through out the week, help my own heart to trust you more and more each day, inspire those who read this simple words to day by day trust you, your wisdom and you unfailing love. Lord, forgive me when in the turmoil that the fear within me creates I forget that you are the one in control that you are my rock and my salvation.

Hold our hand, we are your children, lead us into your love the same way you lead the birds into the sunset. May your love pour down on us, may your healing power touch every part of us and help us in releasing all that we are to you each day.

In Jesus name,


11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. 1 Peter 11

Morning Reminders…

I really enjoy quiet calm mornings, they take the prize with me since I am always on the go. I think that even when I am sleeping I am going somewhere. Calm, quiet, easy mornings remind of me of Heaven all day. Reminds me of what our life used to be before we grew up and started choosing to give up our inner peace to everyone and everything that came our way. Mornings like this one, so sublime, so blissful remind me of my true nature and of who I am at my core. Mornings like this one, whisper nudges of truth, passion and love in my heart.

This is how I know in my heart God intended our life to be. A life filled with peace, joy, love and sense of knowing who we are in Him. I think the Garden of Eden is glorious, peaceful place. A place where you and I are brothers and sisters. A place that we do not have to wait to die to get in. I think that glorious place call, The Garden of Eden is within us and it is waiting for us to call it into reality so our life, everybody’s life is restored to the original plan that God had and still have for us.

Every time we meditate, every time we surrender our fears to the light. Every time we let go of our need to be right, every time we give up on our need to win so someone else can loose. Every time we choose light, truth, love and kindness above all, we choose, we call upon the original blueprint of our life to come forward and to manifest.

Angel Vazquez

Spiritual Teacher & Musician


No End To His Power…

For in you and in me He lives. It is said that our words, our thoughts or actions are command on earth as it is in heaven For in His name we have been saved and inherit the kingdom of Heaven, we shall fear nothing or anyone for He is our refuge, our blessings, the place we can call home. I know the reach of His power, the extend of His forgiveness and His love for us. No a doubt live in me today, thanks to our Father. I rise because He, who gave me life have never and will never doubt me or find fault within me. 

I am whole and complete in His presence, in His glory I found mercy, mercy that had brought me back to the path that He and I had chosen long before I was human for the firs time. 

Thank you, Lord for having faith in me even in those days when I thought that I wasn’t worthy of you or your love.


Jesus Divine Mercy pictures 03

And This Is How Spirituality Role…

I was thinking I should not speak about this on my blog. But I decide it to do it, not to make a statement but because is where my energy at this point in time it’s moving tours. Some people think that being spiritual means that if they help you at some point in life that you will be in debt to them forever and that you need to allow them to disrespect you and allow them to walk over you when they feel like it. Boy, did you get it wrong? Being spiritual means that I have enough respect and love for myself to understand who I am and live from a place that I accept who I am, I own what I do and say, it means that I have enough self respect to not allow anybody else to push me around.

And my friends that means that it doesn’t matter how much someone have helped you or care for you or love you that you won’t disagree with them or tell them No, that plane won’t fly out of my airport, every now and then. It is very important for us to recognized our responsibilities, specially when we have done something wrong and need to rectify those things we understand at a core that are wrong. But it is also important to recognized when someone wants to take advantage of our spirituality and core beliefs and try to diminished our light and who we are by pointing fingers and saying things that are simply not true and then when we say no and stand our ground, try to convince us there is not reason to be angry or take a stand.

Guess what? yes there is, it not spiritual to denied what you are feeling to please someone else, is not spiritual to not stand your ground when you feel that something is not right, it is not spiritual to get a message and ignore it because you love someone so much and you do not want to see truth. Trust me I have been there, it had made me stronger bot to have listen sometimes but sometimes I wish I would have listen and accept the message as truth from the moment I got it. But you live and you learn.

I love everything and everyone, I believe in the good we have in us, I believe that we all can choose love and good deeds over what we consider evil in this plane. But I also believe in our journey, and sometimes that journey can be easy or hard, we get choose. But I am not going to and I expect no one in my life or someone I don’t even know to settle for less, or allow themselves to be push around by others. I don’t care how much they have done for you or will do for you in the future, I promise you, you will thank yourself for standing your ground, even if you get an earthquake out of it, you will be glad you did.

And this may read to some as an ice cold water bath but is the truth. I than everyone in my life for everything they have done and still do but do not mistake gratitude for something is not, because I won’t have problem telling. you and even more importantly won’t have a problem listen to the message you may have to deliver to me as long as you are coming from love, respect and truth, other than I simply won’t allow it.

Angel Vazquez
Inspirational Visionary, Author & Singer


Happiness – Think It Over…

There is one thing that you need to always ask yourself, are the people around me happy for me because I have what they want me to have? Or are they happy because I have what my soul, my true self wants to have, my true life purpose? I heard the famous singer India Arie talking about this with Oprah the other day and that question touch the deepest parts of my soul when I heard it then and today as I am writing it out for all of you still does. Happiness sometimes could be tricky, specially if we are thinking about making someone else happy rather than thinking of making ourselves happy. This may sound a little selfish for some. I am not saying don’t think of someone’s else’s happiness I am saying you have only the power to make yourself happy and share your happiness with others, nothing more. It doesn’t matter how hard you try you cannot make someone else happy. Unless they choose to be happy because of what you are doing, your work will be in vain.

The are certain things in life that we have to be selfish with and happiness is one of them, I, Angel Vazquez, only knows in the depth of my soul what makes Angel’s happiness possible. Many can try to make me happy but only I can choose happiness for me. Happiness is a choice, a state of mind, that only belongs to each of us individually. You can have all the richest in the world and not be happy, but some people will be. And it is the same with everything else. Nothing makes me happier than to come home and have my dog jump on me and lick me all over. That to me is heaven on earth, to others that may be disgusting, but hey ask and you shall received. So, normally when someone ask me are you happy for me? I normally reply by asking them are you happy? Because whether I am happy for you or not won’t make a different. But if you are happy then it will matter and it will make a different in your life and then and only then I am happy for you.

Angel Vazquez

Inspirational Visionary, Author & Singer



The base of all our choices and the way we live should not only be love but also gratitude. When was the last time you were truly thankful? for the air? the sun? your pets? your clothes? food? These seem like very simple things, but we do take them for granted sometimes simply because we have them and we think that will always b there for us. But what about those who doesn’t have them and probably will never have some of those things  we have? I am not saying this to make you feel guilty, I am saying this so you start giving thanks every day, every second. I am saying this so we all start living a life in gratitude, always.

And if you already do live a life a of gratitude take a moment and say thank you again, maybe say thank you because you are reading this words or simply because you feel like it. We don’t need reasons to say thank you we just need to be thankful and fill with love 24/7.

Angel Vazquez

Inspirational Visionary, Author & Singer

Gratitude Challenge Day 4

I am thankful for the inner knowledge or wisdom that allows me to know that I am taken care of. There have been days that I didn’t know if I was going to be able to eat, or pay a bill or my rent, and something out of nothing provided the food, the money, the shelter. Many times, still today, I wonder why; but then I hear a whisper in the wind that tells me, ‘You are my son. You are my seed of blessings on this earth, and I am here to provide you with everything you think you need and even more.’

I am thankful because the power that we call God/Goddess that keeps me and you alive and provides us with what we need in this life experience is with us and will never leave us. I may wonder or not know sometimes why things may happen, but in my soul there is a fire that comes from faith, love and surrendering that assures me that I am one with God/Goddess and that forever in me and you He/She lives.


Angel Vazquez
Author of Believe
