Archive | June 2015

June 2, 2015.

We must be willing to give up that, which,  we want in order to bring it into our reality. The path to seeing our dreams come true, starts with us realizing that we don’t need to do anything to make them come true. We simply need to be in oneness with that, which, we want to manifest.



Having the courage to follow our heart is one of the scariest feeling we could ever experience. Having the courage to do what we have to do or say what we to say could come wrap in a bundle of fears, doubts, tears and even love. We have filled our life with so many “what if’s” that we have forgotten that we are spirits of strength, power and ultimately courage. As we have forgotten the truth of who and what we are, we have started mistaken the voice of  fears and doubts with the voice of truth that live within each and everyone of us.

“‘What’ and ‘if’ two words as nonthreatening as words come. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: ‘What if?’…” – Letter to Juliet 

What we feel, what we experience, 9 out of 10 is no logical, is emotional, is open hearted, is who we are. I encourage you today to take a look at the “what if’s” in your life and see them for what they are, a wall, an obstacle in the road that is trying to keep you from reaching your true potential. A self-sabotaging idea that it will do it best to stop you on your track and keep you from shining your light into the world. The strongest this “what if” ideas fight to stop you, the brighter your light is and the stronger you are, and the more happiness you are about to bring into your life. So, don’t give up, stand your ground and trust. Have faith! Have the courage to overcome.
