Tag Archive | Listening

Only Time.

We can try to run the race of life, destiny, love but the wisdom and answers that lead us to truth, peace, and harmony will only be giving to us in Godspeed. Yes, they are choices to be made, steps to follow but they can only be made or giving when we rise to the occasion and we become one with the Universe.

Surrender…and you will conquer, you will see and know the truth that lives within.

Angel Vazquez
Inspirational Visionary, Author & Singer

Order BELIEVE by Angel Vazquez

Gratitude Challenge Day 24

I am thankful for being able to listen to my feelings. Thankful because while I am listening, embracing and feeling my feelings I allow them to guide me through the path of love, while I stay true to myself and to who I am at my core, while completing my journey in this lifetime.


Angel Vazquez
Author of Believe

Gratitude Challenge Day 7

What a gorgeous morning!!! The LA sky looks like a Frisco afternoon sky in the winter. Today, I am thankful for being able to listen to others, wether they come to me for advice or to simply tell me about their day. There are moments in life that all we need is to be heard, to be listen to. I believe that listening is the most beautiful act of compassion that we can do for someone else and for ourselves.

Listening is not only allowing someone else to speak. Listening is being present in the moment with another human being, being part of their journey, and making a connection while they are growing by putting in practice vulnerability. Listening is being there for another person as well as being there for yourself. Listening is taking in what the Universe around you is whispering to you allowing it to transform you.

We have heard at one point or another; “Meditate” or “Listen to your Inner Voice” listening or being listen to, is your answer, the respond you get is merely icing on the cake. Go to that place within you and listen to yourself, then take it even further, be there for someone else, who needs to be listen to, and simply listen, you might find what to be thankful for tomorrow. 😉


Angel Vazquez
Author of Believe