Tag Archive | Buddhism

Trust in you, oh Lord (Day 3)

On Monday, as I was driving to the gym I realized how God’s love teaches us to trust Him.  As I was driving  I thought about those whom I love, my mom, my sisters, my brothers, nephews, my boyfriend, my friends and something became clear to me. When any of the people that I love needs my help, not only do they trust that I will be there for them, but I also trust the love I feel for them will guide me in how to help them. God loves us unconditionally and since He has such love for us we can trust that He will always be there for us, that He will come trough in our time of need, the same way that are loves one trust us in their time on needs and we come through for them.

Personally, I cannot bear to see someone I love suffer, I cannot bear seeing a complete stranger in pain, I share their pain. I put myself in their shoes and want to do whatever is in my power to help them. Why? Because I’ve been there, I’ve been in pain, distress, sorrow, happy, joyous, content, etc. And through all of these experiences God has been there for me, whether I realized it then or not I know in my heart God has never leave my side and will never do so. God is willing to help me, if I let Him, God is willing to take me in His arms and carry me through anything and everything.

Angel Vazquez

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Trust in you, Oh Lord. (Day 2)

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God and my Savior,

I thank you for the opportunity to write this prayer, I thank you for the inspiration that your unfailing love blessed me with each and every day to write this blog. Lord as I write about how to trust in you through out the week, help my own heart to trust you more and more each day, inspire those who read this simple words to day by day trust you, your wisdom and you unfailing love. Lord, forgive me when in the turmoil that the fear within me creates I forget that you are the one in control that you are my rock and my salvation.

Hold our hand, we are your children, lead us into your love the same way you lead the birds into the sunset. May your love pour down on us, may your healing power touch every part of us and help us in releasing all that we are to you each day.

In Jesus name,


11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. 1 Peter 11

Morning Reminders…

I really enjoy quiet calm mornings, they take the prize with me since I am always on the go. I think that even when I am sleeping I am going somewhere. Calm, quiet, easy mornings remind of me of Heaven all day. Reminds me of what our life used to be before we grew up and started choosing to give up our inner peace to everyone and everything that came our way. Mornings like this one, so sublime, so blissful remind me of my true nature and of who I am at my core. Mornings like this one, whisper nudges of truth, passion and love in my heart.

This is how I know in my heart God intended our life to be. A life filled with peace, joy, love and sense of knowing who we are in Him. I think the Garden of Eden is glorious, peaceful place. A place where you and I are brothers and sisters. A place that we do not have to wait to die to get in. I think that glorious place call, The Garden of Eden is within us and it is waiting for us to call it into reality so our life, everybody’s life is restored to the original plan that God had and still have for us.

Every time we meditate, every time we surrender our fears to the light. Every time we let go of our need to be right, every time we give up on our need to win so someone else can loose. Every time we choose light, truth, love and kindness above all, we choose, we call upon the original blueprint of our life to come forward and to manifest.

Angel Vazquez

Spiritual Teacher & Musician


Being Present in the Now

Today, I woke up late and I was rushing to get to work, but something kept telling me there is a higher reason for this. And I found it; I met a Buddhist monk that needed help to get to Long Beach. I showed him how to get a tap card. He got it and I pointed in the direction of his journey, as a compass would do. And his smile of love and compassion, as he said thank you, brought me to peace and to the present moment for this is all I have.

Today take a moment, stop all the chattering in your mind, and be the change you want to see in this world. Start with baby steps. Start with your relationships. We always tend to ask our partners to change or stop doing something or acting one way or the other. How about today, you ask yourself what changes can you do to be a better son, sister, brother, wife/ husband, boyfriend, friend? How about today, you take a moment to look within and become a better person than you used to be five seconds ago, filled with love and inner peace, allowing the Universe to be and live through you.

Take the challenge of change and be the partner, the friend, the listener, the person you want someone else to be. Be yourself, your true, unique and amazing self.

Angel Vazquez
Author of Believe