Tag Archive | Reiki


“Be angry, and don’t sin.” Don’t let the sun go down on your wrath, and don’t give place to the devil. (‭Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭26-27‬ WEB)

Yesterday, I was talking with Bill, who had become a very close friend of mine. He is one my soulmates in this beautiful journey I call life. We were talking about Faith, which is not surprising to me, because lately we always end up talking about God and our journey with Him and through Him. Yesterday, he looked at me, and asked me If I have always have complete Faith and trust in God? and How did I achieve that?

I didn’t answer in this exacts words but I think that they will convey my answer not only to Bill, but to whomever might be seeking answer to these questions in their own life as well. So, how do we achieve complete Faith and trust in God? First, we have to be born into this world, then we grow up and we start making choices. Some of those choices made by us will seem right to some and wrong to others. We will make a left turn instead of a right turn or a right turn instead of left turn. Then we get our heart broken, those who we called friends once, will betrayed us, we will get hurt, we will fall and stand, we will fall again and will have to stand again.

Then one day, we cannot longer hold anymore pain, we cannot longer hold back the raging storms within ourselves and we fall to our knees and in anger, in despair, in fear, we ask the very being that we said did not exist, What have I done to you? What haven’t I give you yet? What else do you want from me? And as you cry, in the middle of finally letting go of all you have been holding on to, the pain, the fears, the world, your belongings, the people, the love, you hear the voice of God. You hear the voice of God coming from within your heart saying Now that you have asked the questions, Would you please let me answer?

You don’t know if you should be afraid now that the genie is out of the bottle. You don’t know if hell will break loose. But even if it does, something in your heart tells you, that there is someone greater than you and I and anything we may be going through who sustain us and who have been carrying us all the way. And with every step you take tours His/Her the stronger your Faith grows and your fears vanished.

Faith in God is not a magic wand, things will still go wrong every now and then, things will not go your way all the time, but they will be according to His will for you. Which as I have come to know, to understand, the good I want for myself and others is the good that God wants for us. I have lost my faith many times and I have gain it back and only God knows if I will ever loose it again, but I sure pray that if one day I loose my faith again that God stand by me and lead me to Him again.



Simply, Thank you!

I am thankful:

1. For the call back by Casting Director Rob Decina. What an amazing audition, this morning. According to him, I got the gig, but I still need to wait for one phone call, so keep your fingers crossed, God is promoting me.

2. For my new friend Mike, he is a doll and today we ran into each other at SafeWay and we shop together, that was so sweet and unexpected.

3. For the prosperity that is flowing into my life, daily.

4. For new opportunities and my open heart to received them.

5. Because God’s Not Dead.



His love for us is for real, true unconditional love.

Not too long ago, I thought that I knew God, but deep within me I only knew of Him and what I knew wasn’t even right or truth. Deep within me the God that I knew “it was real” was a God that will hurt me, who will take things or people away from me every time I made a mistake. I used to think that if God would get mad at me or angry at me that He will stop loving me.

Recently, I had come to know the truth about God. That He loves us, that His love for us is so great that He can never be mad us, judge us or even consider that there is anything that He needs to forgive us for. In His eyes we are perfect, we are exactly how He wanted us to be. Yes, we flip out, we fall, we stand again and we will fall again and we will have to stand again also. But as long as we have our eyes fixed on Him, His angels will lift us up in their hands, and nothing will stand in the way of us reaching His love and mercy.

Lately, the more I get to know the real God, the true loving God, maker of Heaven, Earth and every star in the Universe, the safer I feel, the more loved, cherish, understood and care for I feel. Every day I get to open my eyes in the morning and every minute I get to live has become a testimony to His Love for all us.



“I can do all things through Christ, who strengthen me” Philippians 4:13

Within us God put the breath of life, the inner wisdom that remind us, that we were created at His image. It is in this truth, that I know that we can do anything Jesus did and even greater things, because in Jesus Christ anything is possible. ALL things can be forgiving, ALL things can be healed, ALL of us can love and be loved beyond our wildest dreams. . 

Dentro de nosotors, Dios puso el soplo de vida, la verdad que nos dice que fuimos creados en su imagen y semejanza. Es en esta verdad, que yo se, que podemos hacer todo lo que Jesus hizo y aun mucho mas, en Jesus Cristo todo es posible. Todo es perdonado, Todo es sanado, Todos podemos amar y ser amados como nunca antes.



I am Heavenly, I am.

Hello Everyone!!!!

Sorry, for skipping a day or two. I was tuning up myself. Doing some spring, summer cleaning in my personal life, professional life and spiritually, releasing thoughts, ideas and self-defeating patterns and putting in the hands of God and his Archangels. Why? I want served him, carry the torch of Love that he has given me. I want to complete the plan, the prophesy that He has given me. It’s not about me or anything I can get, it is about Love, about Peace, about you and me united as one rising into the light each and every day. We are the Kingdom of Heaven, we are the light, the resurrection and the life, the immaculate conception of Heaven on earth. And like that we shall all live.

Blessed be!

