I put God first.

I consider this a extremely bold statement to say and declare. To put God first means to me that I listen to what He says, that I am obedient and committed to do as He says even if I don’t agree with Him. To put God first, means that I recognized that His wisdom is greater than mine and that I have the courage to live my life according to His ways and not my own. On days when what God puts in my heart to do it’s easy, or something I would enjoy doing, I find it very easy to obey, and follow through, I think we all can relate to that.

But on days that my flesh is saying No way, I can’t do that, I don’t know how to, it’s going to hurt so much, if I do what you are asking me to do. As hard as it sounds, sometimes God is going to ask us to do things  that will feels impossible to do. But even in those moments if we try, if we press forward trusting God and do as He wants us to do, will find out that God will give us the grace and strength to do it. God is never going to ask you to do something and not give you the favor, grace and whatever else you need to do it. Remember God is for you.

Let me give you an example from my personal life; about two years or so I was dating someone. And I clearly heard in my heart God voice saying to me this relationship is not good for you, it’s not the relationship I have planned for you. I need you to trust me and end this relationship before both of you get hurt. Trust me when I say, I did my best to persuade God to change His mind, but He didn’t. I follow through over the phone and said to my boyfriend at the time what God had put in my heart. He understood and said to me that He doesn’t want to do anything that would hurt me or him, or God stand in between God and my relationship with Him. The following day, we met for coffee, when I looked in his eyes, I saw he was hurting because he did not wanted us to end and neither did I. I ccan hornt see why that was needed or why we couldn’t be.

So, I started to feel like I was hurting him, I let the fear of hurting my ex become stronger and louder than God’s voice. So, instead of ending the relationship like God had advice me to do, I said “will figure it out” Needless to say a few months went by and we  broke up, it was the most painful experience I had ever had with someone I so deeply care for once. We hurt each other so deeply and couldn’t turn back time. God tried to saved us from having to go through that painful moment. God warned us, it didn’t make sense to my mind or to my feelings or to my ex back then, but in the end if I would have obey God, I would have saved myself the painful months I had to go through after we broke up, I could have kept both of us from hurting.

Let me be clear, I am not saying that God punished me or my ex for not being obedient. I am saying that God saw before hand the direction our relationship was going. He knew that there were very painful moments ahead of us that could be avoided. As a loving Father, God tried to saved us from the pain by giving me guidance, but God also knew that this wa a decision I had to make, not something He could force on me. The same way that it was God choice to warned me and to give  us  the grace we needed to go through the painful experience of braking up once we did. God was for us when He took the time to warned us, God was for us even when I said “will figure it out”, and God was for us while we were healing from our break up and the sadness and pain that came to us when we didnt obey.

Angel Vazquez

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